
Teiimo Teiimo ist unser Partner für die technische Entwicklung zur Serienreife.
Coldewey Coldewey ist unser Partner bei der Entwicklung des Prototypen.
Universität Oldenburg Die Universität Oldenburg forscht entwickelt das V.A.P. in enger Zusammenarbeit mit PulsiVision und Coldewey weiter.
Katharina Pohl - die Designtante ist unser federführender Partner in Sachen Grafik- und Webdesign. ist unser Partner in Sachen Grafikdesign. Project Lifesaver International is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit organization that bridges the technological gap for “at risk” populations and public safety agencies.

We provide police, fire/rescue and other first responders with a comprehensive program including equipment and training to quickly locate and rescue “at risk” individuals with cognitive disorders who are at constant risk to the life threatening behavior of wandering including those with Alzheimer’s disease, Autism, and Down syndrome.

Project Lifesaver has over 1,300 participating member agencies throughout 47 states in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, and has performed over 2,800 searches over the last 15 years with no serious injuries or fatalities ever reported. Project Lifesaver provides equipment, training, certification and support to law enforcement, public safety organizations and community groups throughout the country and nation.

Ernie Els ist Profigolfspieler und Gründer von „Els for Autism“.
Wir trafen uns mit Phil Cotton, Manager bei Ernie Els und selbst junger Vater.

Meeting Gene Saunders (Project Lifesaver): In April, we met up with Gene Saunders, the CEO and founder of "Project Lifesaver".

We are very proud that with him and his organization we have found a great partner in the fight to save lives.

There is a huge potential in the partnership between Pulsivision and Project Lifesaver. We therefore welcome the invitation to present our product, the V.A.P. at their annual conference in Orlando on August 14.

Maureen Murrah, Vice President der IMG Licensing und Mutter von Kindern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen.

Daniel Müller - Triathlet (mehr zu ihm).